For Members of the Public

I’m not a UCLA student. Can I enroll in the graduate certificate?
Unfortunately, no. UCLA’s graduate certificate is only for currently enrolled graduate students.

Do you offer any online courses?
We will be starting in Summer 2020! Check the UCLA Summer Sessions page for more details. To get connected to digital humanities entities in your area, check out CenterNet, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, or Digital Humanities Now. You might also consider attending a THATCamp or a Digital Humanities Summer Institute.

Can you help me with my digital humanities project?
If you’re not currently affiliated with UCLA, I’m afraid we probably can’t. With limited resources, we need to devote our energy and time to the UCLA community.

Whom can I contact with questions?
Please email Deanna Finlay, our SAO, with questions. She can be reached at deanna@humnet.ucla.edu.

For Undergraduate Minors

I want to go into marketing or advertising. Is the DH minor right for me?
It’s possible! We do teach a number of skills that might come in handy in these careers, such as data visualization and analysis. And a number of our students have gone on to careers in marketing or advertising. We don’t explicitly teach any marketing or advertising content, though, since our focus is really on humanities research. If you’re looking for classes that speak directly to the business world, you might look at UCLA’s Entrepreneurship minor or consider one of a number of classes in the Communication Studies department.

I’m not receiving credit on DARS for a course you approved as an elective, even though I passed these classes. What’s going on?
Unfortunately, this is a common problem for our minors. DARS is just an unofficial record of your degree progress, and it never quite matches up with the actual requirements for the DH minor. However, if you’ve taken these classes and passed, rest assured that the courses have been counted for credit. You can always check in with Deanna Finlay, our SAO, if you have concerns. We’re the ones who officially authorize the minor, regardless of what the DARS says.

How do I enroll in an internship for course credit?
If you’ve identified an internship that you’d like to complete to fulfill the DH 195/196 requirement, please begin by sending a description of the internship you have in mind to Dr. Sanders Garcia to approve it. Once you have received approval, you’ll need to fill out a course contract (on MyUCLA), using the course number DH 195. Please list Ashley Sanders Garcia as the faculty mentor, include a short description of the internship you’ll complete, and enter “written report” in the “Tangible Evidence” field. Email the course contract to Dr. Sanders Garcia and Deanna Finlay, who will ensure you’re enrolled in the class. Once the internship begins, you’ll meet with Dr. Garcia periodically to discuss your progress. You’ll also be asked to complete a series of writing assignments on your experience in the internship.

If you need help identifying an internship, please start your search with Handshake, which contains a number of internship opportunities.

What is DH 199? How do I enroll?
DH 199 is the capstone research class, usually offered in the spring. Students work with faculty members in groups to complete digital projects. You’ll enroll in the class via course contract.

I’m having trouble finding an elective class to meet the DH requirements. What can I do?
If you have identified another class (not included on the official list of approved courses) that has a substantial digital component, you can petition for it to be counted toward the minor. In order to do this, please fill out the course petition form.

Can I do an independent study for course credit?
Yes, you can enroll in an independent study, using the course number DH 199, but you’ll need to identify a DH faculty member to work with and a project to work on.

Can a class count for both the DH minor and my major?
Yes, but no more than two courses (8 to 10 units) may be applied toward both this minor and a major or minor in another department or program.

Can a class count for both the DH minor and a GE requirement?

For Grad Students

How long does the program take to complete?
That, of course, depends on how many other requirements you’re trying to fulfill. It’s possible to complete the program in a year, but we recommend that you take two years.

What is DH 299? How do I enroll?
DH 299 is the capstone research class, usually offered in the spring. Students work with faculty members in groups to complete digital projects. Check the Graduate Courses page to identify the course you’re interested in and contact Deanna Finlay to create a registration link for you.

Can I do an independent study for credit?
Unfortunately, Graduate Division policies prevent us from counting an independent study toward the certificate.

I’ve found a grad class that seems like it should qualify as a DH elective, but it’s not listed on the website. Can I get credit for it as a DH class?
Probably, particularly if the course instructor is affiliated with the DH program. If you have identified another class (not included on the official list of approved courses) that has a substantial digital component, you can petition for it to be counted toward the minor. In order to do this, please fill out the course petition form.

Can a class count for both the DH certificate and my departmental requirements?
Yes, but no more than two grad courses courses (8 to 10 units) may be applied toward both this minor and your departmental requirements.