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Text Analysis Research Cluster Meeting: Topic Modeling Projects in Progress

Scholarly Innovation Lab Charles E. Young Research Library

2 talks on topic modeling projects in progress: Todd Presner's talk focuses on topic modeling a multilingual collection of 120 Holocaust survivor testimonies made in 1946 by David Boder (on a wire recorder in Displaced Persons Camps). Dave Shepard will share his topic model of authors writing in English in the first half of the seventeenth century to place Andrew Marvell's “Horatian Ode” in its broader context and to show that, far from being ambivalent, “Horatian Ode” expresses a subtle, but clear, critique of Cromwell.

Text Analysis Working Group: Applied Word Embeddings

Scholarly Innovation Lab Charles E. Young Research Library

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, June 5 between 1:00 and 2:00pm in the SIL. We will continue our conversation about word embeddings and experiment with their practical application in our next meeting. In the meantime, feel free to begin playing with the code on your own. 

Text Analysis Research Cluster (TARC): Discussion of Andrew Piper, Enumerations: Data & Literary Study (2018)

Scholarly Innovation Lab Charles E. Young Research Library

In this meeting, we will discuss Andrew Piper's Enumerations, with a particular focus on Chapter 5. This book presents Piper's arguments about several methods for distant reading. Chapter 5 in particular looks at distant reading of characterization and character relationships. Also, during this session, we will do some planning for the rest of the year...